
Cut through the NOISE


Cut through the NOISE

We want to help you see through the noise.

We have an information problem: Today, we have more access to information than ever before—but at a price. Commercial and political forces are using the internet to distort, manipulate, and confuse. With unprecedented amounts of irrelevant or misleading information hurled at us every minute of the day, it’s hard not to lose sight of what is important or whom to trust—and it becomes all too easy to give up on the truth.

Our goal is to give you control over the information that shapes your beliefs, help you focus on the issues that matter most to you, keep your representatives accountable, and provide you with tools that will, collectively, lead to a more robust and healthy society.



Crowdsource Power

Crowdsource Power


How it works

We’re giving people a way to rate the actions of their politicians. On Chorus, you will be able to crowdsource a power rating for your elected representatives based on real actions they’ve taken or statements they've made on the floor. We filter out the gimmicks and hone in on the issues that really matter to you.


Step one: Stay informed about the issues you care about most.

Staying focused in a world of information overload is hard. With Chorus, you’ll be able to curate a set of personalized issues that matter most to you. We'll notify you through your existing social media channels when your representatives make an official statement or vote on legislation about that issue.

Step Two: Rate your representatives based on their actions.

Every time we send you a notification about an issue, you'll be able to rate your representatives based on whether or not you agree with their actions. Your ratings along with the ratings of others in the Chorus community create a visible score—like a credit score—showing how in touch your representatives are with their constituents.

Step Three: Do your homework. increase your rating power.

Do you vote? Attend town halls? Go to a local advocacy group meetings? We want to give you credit for taking the time to understand the nuances and complexities of these issues. Prove that you’re paying attention, and we’ll strengthen the power of your rating. Climb our ladder to become a champion of your issue.

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